Leslie Winokur

Leslie Winokur

Winokur reflects on her early sources of inspiration for art, recalling “I was born and raised in NYC where wonderful museums were just a train ride away. When I was young we visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art because they had an extensive collection of medieval armor, which my father loved, while I insisted we visit the paintings. When I was old enough, my Saturdays were often spent in the City at any one of the many outstanding museums. My love of, and interest in fine art, was evident at a very early age.”

Winokur initially began her career as a ceramic artist showing in prestigious galleries in D.C., Hawaii, New York, Texas and California. Then she discovered oil painting and never looked back.
In order to learn the craft of oil painting, developed many, many years ago in Europe, Winokur studied the “old master” techniques at several Bay Area ateliers. Currently, the artist is working on a series called “Seemingly Ordinary.” In the tradition of artists like Morandi and Thiebauld, she uses many of the same objects, collected over the years, in the paintings. Finely crafted, these pieces resonate as spaces of calm in times of great upheaval.

Recently, Winokur won Honorable Mention in a juried national show in San Rafael, CA, and have been invited to the Texas National show at the Stephen F. Austin State University, juried by William U. Eiland, Director, Georgia Museum of Art.

Works by Leslie Winokur

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