Call for San Diego Artists
The Sparks Gallery is looking to review local artists’ portfolios for its upcoming launch and exhibitions for 2014. The gallery is seeking both small and large pieces of work in a wide range of sizes and media type.
Venue: Sparks Gallery: 530 Sixth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101. 4500 square foot interior with brick walls and skylights. Construction of a second story mezzanine and amenities for the public is scheduled to be completed in 2014.
Media: Any tangible media. Preferred: photography, painting, archival mixed media, sculpture, multi-purpose vessels, and jewelry. Also seeking small handmade items for the retail section of the store (printed fabrics or greeting cards, soaps, ceramics, etc.)
Eligibility: Open to artists over 18 years old, residing in the greater San Diego County.
Entry Fee: none
Gallery Terms: the gallery works on standard consignment terms. For small items, wholesale purchasing may be discussed.
Submissions: Submit your work on our Submissions Page