Sparks Gallery Panel Discussion June 20, 2013

The Sparks Gallery welcomes several artists from our NCVI exhibit, as well as 2013 San Diego Art Prize recipients James Hubbell and Debby & Larry Kline for an intimate panel discussion at the Sparks Gallery. We will discuss non-traditional materials, functional decay, choice of medium as artistic expression in both art & architectural design, as well as looking to the future of modern design and materials. SEATS ARE LIMITED to 30 guests for this exclusive event, so RSVP early!


Jim Gabriel: ARCHITECTS Hanna Gabriel Wells
Appetizers and drinks will be provided.

6:00pm-6:30pm: mingling and drinks
6:30pm-7:30pm: panel discussion (please arrive on time as doors to the gallery will be locked for privacy at the commencement of the panel discussion)
7:30-8pm: Q&A with the panelists
8-8:30pm: more mingling and drinks; close

Please plan ahead for parking as there will be a Padres game that evening downtown. Parking map here, and transportation by trolley is encouraged. (Parking on average $12-17 in lots; street parking free after 6pm)