Exhibition: Uptown Meets Downtown / A Group Show

Sparks Gallery has invited the studio artists of THE STUDIO DOOR to collaborate with an exciting exhibition titled “UPTOWN MEETS DOWNTOWN”.
With eyes on 2020, The studio artists of The Studio Door have found inspiration by mashing up their contemporary styles with a nod to the Roaring Twenties. The 1920s were called “roaring” because of the exuberant, freewheeling popular culture of the decade.
Art during the roaring 20’s embraced a world ready for change. Experimentation was the best way to describe artistic and cultural trends. Some of the most significant art movements of the 20th century took hold like Dada, Surrealism, Expressionism and Art Deco. The birth of Jazz influenced artists with its rich sounds, rhythms and colors. It was the time of The Harlem Renaissance and The Great Gatsby. Maxwell Parrish and Georgia O’Keefe first became popular in American art circles while Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo were embracing their own creative styles in Mexico and beyond.
// Exhibition on view SEPT 29, 2019 – JAN 5, 2020
Artist Talk: Thursday, Oct 17 from 6 – 8 PM
Featured Artists:
- Farah Ajoodanifar
- Leah Sarah Bassett
- Dania Brett
- Desolina
- Claudette Farah
- Angela Gonzalez
- Evelyn Loss
- Crisinda Lyons
- Atul Pande
- RD Riccoboni
- Danné Sadler
- Christina Schulz
- Chris Smith
- Patric Stillman
- Tim Stockton
- Holly Sutor
- Stephan Talian
Trunk Show provided by Lulu Vintage Designs on opening night.