Anna Cardoso
Anna (Van Fleet) Cardoso was born in St.Petersburg, Russia in 1978. Having traveled extensively in Europe for years, her art is inspired by many different cultures. She taught herself to paint oils while living in Germany, and sold many pieces to collectors there. She now lives in San Diego, where her art reflects contemporary California trends.
Cardoso’s oil paintings explore many varieties of themes, with a contrasting mix of techniques and styles. The brushstrokes and the luminosity of her panels are reminiscent of traditional paintings.
“I have always loved complexity of composition in general, performed in the finest manner. My paintings are created with multiple layers. Mostly with dry brush technique ( almost no paint on the brush) or transparent layers with a slight hint of pigment ( glazing ). I keep developing my techniques. Never afraid to experiment with new ideas.
My artworks are actual perceptions of beauty. Works of ever evolving form, color, depth, and light are the undulating specters of individual and collective consciousness.” -Cardoso
Works by Anna Cardoso
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