Artist Statement: Color is the over-riding emphasis in this piece. To begin I was once again drawn to play with my “sherbet dreams” colors; soft pale peaches, dusty pink rose, and creamy whites. Those colors began the catalyst for the background surface: fluid and smooth to the touch. But I was also drawn to this idea of high contrast both in color and in texture. Whereas I am obsessed with these “sherbet colors” I am equally obsessed with Cerulean blue and white and lots or texture. This might be because of my mother. Growing up our house was Cobalt blue and white which played as a huge influence in the color choices for this piece. I always have a pot of Cerulean blue, molten and hot, on my hotplate, beckoning me to somehow incorporate it. “Use me!” it screams from its corner pocket of the palette. This piece is very much about the contrast between these two contrasting and rich color ideas. The soft nature of the peaches and rose being overtaken by this dark and in your face blue.